This Sunday in worship we are celebrating World Communion Sunday and we are beginning our new season of Stewardship titled Living Grace-Filled: The Joy of Stewardship. The Eucharist (God’s gift of grace), otherwise known as communion, is the central act of Christian worship. In this meal we receive the grace of the living God and we are sent to go and be God’s grace in the world. Communion is our central act of worship because in the celebration of this meal we practice Christian living by receiving and responding in gratitude. Our text for the morning is about the healing of several individuals, only one of whom took the time to give thanks to Jesus. That one experienced a more holistic healing than the rest. May this time of worship and receiving of the Eucharist generate within each of us a response of gratitude to God who calls us together.
Join us in person or online for worship on Sundays at 10am. Before you join us for in person worship, please review our updated mask optional practice.
Led by: Rev. Matt Weiler
Luke 17:5-17