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Our understanding of God and God’s all-embracing grace can be so limited, and when this is the case then so too can our own efforts to be God’s love in the world. This was certainly a problem for Jonah, a preacher who didn’t want to preach in Nineveh because he didn’t believe the Ninevites should be included in God’s love. He believed this theologically and he believed this politically. Yet in spite of his reluctance and in spite of a very terrible sermon, God managed to use Jonah for the transformation of an entire city. Today we’ll hold this story in tension with another story about some much more eager disciples who dropped everything immediately at the word of Jesus. They too held limited imaginations for just what they were being called to do. In this third Sunday after the Epiphany, the season when we discover the nature and character of God through Jesus Christ, we open our imaginations to the possibilities and the expansiveness of the one who calls us.
Led by: Rev. Julie Kline