Advent, Week 1: You Are a Blessing

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. In many […]

Sunday, November 24, 2024 ~ Reign of Christ

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. What does it mean to speak of the Christ who reigns, or Christ the king? The Gospels will undoubtedly tell us that Jesus redefined what it meant to be king, this is his purpose in coming. The one who reigns in our lives was treated […]

Our Precarious Present

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. “This is the beginning of birth pangs…” Jesus’ words to the disciples in today’s text from the gospel of Mark are nothing if not unsettling and for generations, really, since Jesus first spoke these words, every generation of Christians has wondered if “now might be […]

Sunday, November 10, 2024 ~ Deepen Our Faith

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. Let us pray. This is a familiar line to our Christ-centered community. Our responses are different, one from another. Some may quickly bow their heads, fold their hands, and wait for heartfelt words. Others may raise their heads and eyes, or gaze into the eyes […]

All Saints Sunday

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. All Saints Sunday is a time to remember and to give thanks for those faithful witnesses of the church who have gone before us and have joined the great cloud of witnesses. In this time of worship, we speak the names of the saints, and […]

Consecration Sunday 

“Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” ~Mark 10: 46-52 Join Us this Sunday as we continue to delve deeper into our generosity campaign. It is Consecration Sunday. This is the day our Generosity Campaign has been leading up to and anticipating. To consecrate means to set apart or declare […]

Sunday, October 20, 2024 ~ Finding Joy & Making a Joyful Noise

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. Throughout October our Generosity Campaign unfolds within the life of our church. It is a profound reflection and response of seeking and praying about our deep gladness, the world’s deep hunger, and how we are called to that meeting point. Our Generosity Campaign is a […]

Deep Gladness: Come Into God’s Presence

Join Us this Sunday as we continue to delve deeper into our generosity campaign. Throughout October our Generosity Campaign unfolds within the life of our church. It is a profound reflection and response of seeking and praying about our deep gladness, the world’s deep hunger, and how we are called to that meeting point. Our […]

World Communion Sunday

Join Us this Sunday as we continue to delve deeper into our generosity campaign. This week we celebrate World Communion Sunday. Rev. Matt Weiler will give a sermon titled Deep Gladness: The World’s Deep Hunger. We will also be reading from the book of Job. Our Generosity Campaign is both a spiritual and practical endeavor. It helps us reflect on our  calling, implement our heart's yearning, and serve our community. This church is a beloved space where we gather to be filled with God's presence, renew relationships, and advocate for justice and inclusion. These holy endeavors require your financial generosity. Throughout October, we'll discuss the necessity of supporting this church as a vehicle for our calling. May God guide us in wisdom as we strive to meet the world’s deep hunger with our gladness.

Lose yourself in kindness

Join us this Sunday for worship in person or online. This week we will continue our kindness campaign where Rev. Matt Weiler will delve deeper into the themes of this campaign. Sometimes kindness requires that we tread lightly through the world, showing mercy and compassion, living with grace and love. Sometimes kindness requires truthfulness that […]

Rejoice! Sunday

It is Rejoice! Sunday. A day that finds us celebrating as we begin another program year in the life of our Christ-centered community. It is with open hearts and rejoicing that we gather to anticipate what God has in store for our faith community as we value love, community, inclusion, and justice. This fall, we […]

Rejoice Sunday

It is Rejoice! Sunday. A day that finds us celebrating as we begin another program year in the life of our Christ-centered community. It is with open hearts and rejoicing that we gather to anticipate what God has in store for our faith community as we value love, community, inclusion, and justice. This fall, we […]