Easter is not a day; it is a season. Our Eastertide worship grabs hold of Easter and runs all the way to Pentecost, breathless and panting for the Spirit to come and breathe new life into our lungs so that we can endure the journey through the long season after Pentecost. The joy of Easter needs to sustain us until the Spirit can launch us into the next phase of experiencing the kin-dom of God.

We call ourselves Easter people, but what does that mean? How do we live in the real world as those who are fully committed to the promise of Easter? What does it look like for a community of faith to grab hold of this new way of living, this new way of being a part of the kin-dom of the Resurrected One? It is about more than just understanding what happened; it is really about living the Resurrection, right here and right now. Let us experience, celebrate and share God’s love in this season of Eastertide.