Many years ago, we began this worship series to eliminate the mid-winter blahs and to bring music into our time of worship that may be considered more secular, but is certainly inspiring. This year, as we consider the rhythms of the soul, we not only find ourselves amid mid-winter blahs, but also mid-pandemic disarray. We continue to yearn for our lives to be collective rather than separate, we desire health and well-being for all rather than sickness and death, we desire unity rather than divisiveness and we want to return to a rhythm of life that is more predictable yet changed from our “normal” that did not benefit or compassionately consider the whole. As we look to our future and reassembling it, how will we rise to the opportunity? The Psalmist clearly sings a song of joy and love for the Creating God that will lead us from our distress and strengthen us as we move into a future. The prophet Jeremiah tells God’s people that they are to prosper amidst hardship and that God has a promising future for God’s people. As we move into this new year as God’s people, let the rhythm of our souls be love and joy as we draw strength from our faith as disciples of the Christ who leads us to abundant living.